Kookys & Dreams

Monday, August 08, 2005

McAfee Conspiracy?

As I’ve mentioned previously in my post on how excited I was with my new browser, tragedy struck. I have been a rather staunch user of McAfee Antivirus products judging from the fact that even though reviews had offered Norton or PC-Cilin to be better, and that I own a licensed copy of Norton myself, I insist on McAfee simply because I feel that their interface was a lot ‘friendlier’, and I hate that LiveUpdate from Norton. So the problem arose when I start to notice that some features of McAfee were not noticeable on Opera, as it did in IE.

I was concerned that viruses (especially the Trojans that comes with loading a page) would not be detected when I use Opera, as it did on IE. So I decided to contact McAfee to verify on my predicament.McAfee has this cool service which allows you to hold an online chat with the Helpdesk, so that you can get answers immediately and supposedly more accurately, as we shall see in this following dialog I had with a technical staff of McAfee:(Note: Name of technical staff had been withheld to protect his identity, so that he does not get his ass sacked for providing me with such useless information)

- start dialog session -
Please wait while we find a technician to assist you...
You have been connected to S***.
S***: Jaster, thank you for contacting McAfee Online Support Center. How can I assist you with your McAfee software today?

Jaster Mereel: hello
Jaster Mereel: was wondering if the internet security suite supports other browser in particularly Opera v8 which im using? Coz i noticed that some options avail on IE6 are not there when i used Opera
Jaster Mereel: So does that mean that i'm not as protected when i use Opera?
Jaster Mereel: Also, i cant seemed to access this service with Opera - had to revert back to IE

S***: Jaster I suggest you to use Internet Explorer with McAfee applications.
Jaster Mereel: so when u say that, does it mean McAfee does not support Opera?
S***: Jaster any browser may or may not support McAfee products but we suggest customers to use Internet Explorer with McAfee.
Jaster Mereel: and why is that when IE has so many security issues? Is it because McAfee applications were built specifically to cater to IE users?
S***: Jaster for Internet Explorer issues you need to contact Microsoft.
Jaster Mereel: S*** you're not really answering my questions
S***: I apologize for the inconvenience. I'd be happy to help you.
S***: Jaster McAfee applications are not built specifically for Internet Explorer.
Jaster Mereel: no worries, just needed to get things straight about how McAfee will offer more protection if i use IE than other browsers
Jaster Mereel: S*** so again my question would be: Does it mean than i'm more "protected" when i use IE compared to Opera (or other browsers for that matter)

S***: Yes Jaster.
Jaster Mereel: Wow... would you kindly explain why is that S***?
S***: Jaster whenever you buy any McAfee product, you can see the System Requirements for that McAfee product. Internet Explorer is required to updated McAfee products successfully. You can also use Netscape after installing a Pluf In.
Jaster Mereel: S*** but you mentioned previously that McAfee wasn't bulit specifcally for IE. So why is it that i still need IE?
Jaster Mereel: Perhaps some technical details would be enlightening

S***: Jaster after testing with most of the browsers Internet Explorer is the best suited browser for McAfee applications.
S***: Your reference number for this chat session is 1******9.

S***: Is there anything else that I can assist you with today?
Jaster Mereel: S***, Interesting. Let's just assume that i bought what you're telling me, than wouldn't Mac users be in big trouble not to use IE?
S***: Jaster for Mac support you need to contact Corporate Support at 1 800 338 8754 from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM CST.
Jaster Mereel: S*** is it possible for McAfee to publish the test results you've mentioned?
S***: No Jaster it is confidential.
Jaster Mereel: Thanks S***... i feel enlightened...
S***: Thank you for visiting McAfee Online Support Center. You may receive a survey asking for your comments on this chat experience. Your feedback will help to ensure that I'm providing the highest quality service possible.
S***: If you feel I have addressed all your concerns today, I request you to please end this chat session.

Jaster Mereel: Sure, just to add, i think this chat service is great
Jaster Mereel: but only if i can receive answers that aren't so vague...
Jaster Mereel: Thanks for you time S***!

- end dialog session –

So who and what do you wish to believe, you be the judge to that. For now, my dreams of having a perfect browser had just been shattered.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Since you already use the best available browser on the market... you should also aim to use a better AV product. Of course, your McAfee supports Opera. The missing "IE-Features" of McAfee are IE-only because only IE has such security risks like ActiveX.

Anyway, I suggest you to try out Kaspersky AV Personal (www.kaspersky.com). It offers an intuive user interface, good detection rates (proven in several test of institutes and magazines), is updated frequently, and checks email, browser traffic and such transparently.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Mereel said...

Thanks anonymous! Will look up Kaspersky. But after chatting in the forum with the guys at Opera, I have rekindled my love with Opera

9:09 PM  

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