Kookys & Dreams

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Itsy Bitsy Spider Web of Deceive

Have you ever wondered why humans are growing more and more distant from each other and the idea of ‘trust’ is almost a thing of the past?
I discovered this whilst I was shopping in the supermarket and noticed that product companies of almost every industry are marketing their products in manipulative ways to confuse consumers in buying their products. These products may or may not help the consumers in their needs, but their methods of reaching to the audience can be seen by tempting buyers with sure-cure miracle, or money-back guarantees that sounds too good to be true. Some of course are genuine but my contention is such that we get lured and fooled into a dimension of lies which our own species has created solely for the profit of oneself. When we realize such events happening to us, we withdraw from the society and build up our defenses, being part of the human survival instincts, to protect ourselves so that we will not be easily fooled again. The lies we choose to make may serve to protect ourselves but in so doing we also start a chain of events that may destroy us eventually. So if you remember why your parents told you never to speak to strangers, now you know the answer.

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