Until recently did i discover that i suffer from teeth grinding in my sleep. The scientific name for such disorder is Bruxism. I believe i have never had such a problem until now, and it is definitely getting to me. The sound of grinding my teeth can sometimes even wake myself up! So you can imagine the amount of force impacted on your teeth and jaws. It sounds really awful like 10 fingernails scratched against the chalk board -- eeeew! And then i'll wake up to a sore jaw and feel like shit. Anyway, been trying to look for some form of remedy. The most likely cause for 'this' is supposedly stress. But my line of work doesnt really give me alotta time to destress, so its really a Hobson's choice of getting a mouth-guard. I can imagine how difficult it would be to sleep with something foreign in your mouth, as i've experienced that when i had braces years ago. And then it makes me wonder how soon it'll be before i wear down my teeth to down to my gumlines... just gives me the shiver! Crap....
Not my teeth...
Not my teeth...
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