Kookys & Dreams

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Choco Calypso

So you ever baked a cake? I was a baking virgin, yes... i can cook but bake... not so sure, seems like a lotta work. So my intentions was to bake a cake from scratch, from turns out, i bought an almost ready cake (just had to add in the blood sweat and tears). Still that was a lotta work. If you think everything was gonna work out the way instructions were meant to be read, try adding an ‘If’ in the beginning of every statement, and a ‘maybe’ at the end of every statement.
Turns out, I need an electric mixer, which I happen to not have. So on top of trying to be a baker, I also have to try to be an electric mixer… minus the whirring sound. No I didn’t pluck myself into an electrical outlet, but I did try various speed settings with my whisk.
For 1st speed setting, you have: slow fine mixing where you place the handle of the whisk between the palms of your hands. Then, you spin it like you are trying to set a fire with stick.
2nd speed setting: hold the whisk on your master hand, like you are holding a broom, with the whisk downwards, and move it around the mixing bowl in a wide circle.
3rd speed setting: Slightly tilt the bowl on one side (preferably facing you) and this time hold the whisk like you would hold a cone ice cream, so the whisk is facing upwards, and beat the crap outta the mix!
And then you have your reverse setting where you do everything mentioned above in the reverse motion (clockwise-anti clockwise).
To sum up my baking experience, would be to quote everything you can read from Murphy’s Law. Everything was against me. I didn’t have the right equipment, tools, mix, time, person… but, amazingly, the cake turns out to be a wonder! Too bad I can’t post pictures now (been trying to get at it for ages), else you can all witness my work of miracle and weep at my marvel… Muahahahahaha!!!


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