Kookys & Dreams

Saturday, June 18, 2005

What constitutes to the definition of cheating?

Again this chapter of our discussion seemed to be readily finger-pointed at us men…or as we are so labelled – pigs. Phew…what originality in stereotyping. Now all the guys sing: "I aaaaaaaaammmmm, an innocent maaaann.... Baby yes i am...." Let’s just be objective here that men and women are equally plausible to cheat on their spouse or partner. Exactly why they do it, I don’t know, but perhaps you may find that answer on Oprah or even Jerry Springer show. What I like to know is what exactly defines “cheating”?
If say you are currently attached and several months or years later, you get to know this guy/girl at a social event or workplace (statistically the place where most affairs started). So as time goes by, you find that you really like this person other than their looks. Maybe you like him/her for their personality, character, traits all the stuff that ain’t superficial to be called Love at First Sight. As much as you consider this person could be the person of your dreams, you are currently tied up. So what do you do? Would you just chide your feelings and repress your emotions? Would you brush that thought away and continue to live in misery? Or would you just grasp the opportunity, follow your heart…and ‘cheat’?
If you love your current attachment, as well as this person now, which I believe is emotionally possible, would that be considered cheating? What then can be considered cheating? Flirting? Lying about marital status? Or has it got to be sex?
The dilemma in this situation is that you can never quite walk away without at least one person getting hurt. Love indeed is a horribly wonderful thing – a double edged sword. Men would wish that they can marry both and lead a polygamous life. Women just wish they can still shop for shoes regardless. But the reality of it is polygamy (or even polyandry) is viewed as socially unacceptable despite being practiced traditionally in some countries. Although it seems to be widely popularised in the ancient days as even David and Soloman from the Bible were mentioned to be polygamous, in the eyes of God it just doesn’t seem to be ideal, just tolerated.
Yeah I know this sucks, but I guess that’s the whole reality of life, a prank on your heart if you will. As I myself will admit, I have too much love to give. A die-hard romantic with a passion to fall in love, stay in love, and make lotsa love. And in many circumstances the emotions just seemed too strong to be ignored, and controlled. But I will never ever condone the actions of ‘cheating’ on your partners feelings…then again, it depends on your definition of what ‘cheating’ really is.

For the women who had suffered the ordeal of cheating spouses, cheating lovers, never been kissed, you may find consolation here.
The men have no need for consolation. We either make it or break it.


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