Theory of Women Fickleness: Patent Pending
Ok I’m gonna generalize here. Women are fickle minded creatures. They really are. Its like God made them to have a conflicting nature as a way to remind us of how decision making really was when Eve decided to have a bite on the apple. Which goes to prove that at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter what you said about a color that you like, or a design that suits the looks, she’s not gonna be listening to you anyway and make her own choice about what she thinks she likes. Even God can’t tell them otherwise what else a mortal human. I’m pretty confident that this theory can be accepted by some intellectual organization (which happens that the bulk of them are men) and proven hypothetically. You can be sure that Allan Pease & wife have got it all wrong (I have always had a suspicion that Allan was forced at gun point to write the phrase "Men don't Listen"). Men do listen – Men just act dumb. It saves us a lot of problems in the future which makes a lot of sense. Imagine if you are the commander of the Army. You don’t sacrifice your troops to save a single man if a Peace Treaty can be violated. You look at the bigger picture for the sake of future generations. Nevertheless we men take all the crap women throw at us. We’re labelled pigs, slobs, selfish bastards, bitches, assholes, jaskass, to name but a few. Why do we still keep so quiet after all these demeaning insults? Same reason as above. We don’t really mind being all that, in fact it only gives us an excuse to be more like that, hence we cheat. But I would like to make a point that on top of all that we do intentionally (i.e. ignoring your comments about us, not listening to your problems, not putting the seat down, not caring enough, not affectionate enough), deep down inside we are really the complete opposite. We love the women we are with, analyse what they say to us, and considers doing favours for your friends and family. Every action of intent was contemplated carefully, some may even takes weeks of planning, but ultimately we just crave the same attention that women demands. It hurts us deep down to keep the seat up knowing that we will get a reprimand later. But what would Jesus do (WWJD), we do what a man’s gotta do. We chuck our pride aside and for the grace of our women, we act stupid. But at the end of the day, it’s a lose-lose situation. Either ways we get struck down. Hence men do the awful things he does as a hint that he requires some form of attention too. Looking at other women is the most direct hint of saying that. Still women don’t get it. Instead we are denied sex. So what do we do? We turn to porn. See, for the same reasons, we crave the attention. We aren’t really looking at the naked pictures, we just act like we are.
By now if you’re a man you would already realise that the sole reason why we do the things we do are because women drives us to. But if you’re a woman reading this, you will be thinking that I’m writing nonsense and that I deserve to castrated… which if you do think of that, you would just have been another statistic to my hypothesis. So prove me wrong.
By now if you’re a man you would already realise that the sole reason why we do the things we do are because women drives us to. But if you’re a woman reading this, you will be thinking that I’m writing nonsense and that I deserve to castrated… which if you do think of that, you would just have been another statistic to my hypothesis. So prove me wrong.
Labels: Allan Peace, chauvinistic, fickleminded, Theory of Women Fickleness, Women fickle
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